Thursday, October 29, 2009

Nov. 3, 2009 = The Day Religious Freedom Died

IT LOOKS LIKE THE gay bigots are ahead in Maine. These people are running such a dishonest campaign, it's despicable.

The gay bigots claim to be like blacks (although they were never enslaved). They claim to be like Native Americans (although their land was never taken away from them). And they claim to be like women (although they were never denied the right to vote).

Then, after all these faulty comparisons, they have the audacity to claim that they won't teach gay marriage in schools or force religious people to accept it. (Yeah, right. Fat chance!)

Looks like Nov. 3, 2009 will be the day that religious freedom died...


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  1. Being a lesbian, and this will seem strange to most, I find it to be quite disgraceful that the gay/lesbian community tries so hard to push such a moronic agenda as this.

    My opinion on 'gay marriage' is that you (gays/lesbians) do not need a piece of paper to show that you are involved with someone of the same sex. My girlfriend and I have been together for 15 years, and we have never had the urge to 'legalize' our relationship. If we did, we would not be living in a state that does not approve gay marriage. And all this whining and crying from the gay/lesbian community, let me just say to the gays/lesbians--you need to grow up and worry about the major issues of our Nation, because what you ARE whining and crying about makes no sense to anyone else except yourselves, and you all are giving the gay/lesbian community a bad name.

  2. I really appreciate your comment. You have a great deal of courage to voice your opinion on such a contentious issue, especially knowing that gay liberals will undoubtedly attack you.

    To my readers as a whole, I concede that I make lots of over-the-top statements (ie; "gay bigots", "religiphobia", etc), but in doing so, my only purpose is to point out the hypocrisy of the left (ie; calling people like Carrie Prejean a "stupid bigot", "idiot Christian", etc).

    Getting back to the original point, thank you again for the comment, and I am honored to be on the same side as you.

    Take care...

  3. Thank you for welcoming me, and I would appreciate it if you visit my blog and comment sometime.

    As for being attacked by a 'liberal' of any kind, I am not worried, I can hold my own, as I have to deal with libs at my job daily, especially since I listen to Rush Limbaugh at work. They hate it and make their comments, and I just smile and give them a penny and tell them to "go buy yourself a BRAIN".

    Hahaha, then they leave me alone.

    Thanks again, and have a great week.
