Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Media LOVED Specter's Party Switch, But Not Griffith's

IT HAS BEEN over a week now, and the Parker Griffith story is already old news with the media. (Gee, might it have anything to do with the fact that he became a Republican????)

Remember, this is the same media who could barely contain its glee when Arlen Specter became a Democrat! For days, we heard that the Republican party has been "hijacked" by far right conservatives who want to "force" moderates out of the party...

Fast forward to Parker Griffith.

Now has ANYONE in the media said (or even implied) that Griffith was "forced" out by far left liberals who "hijacked" the Democratic party?!?! Of course not, because the MSM's Eleventh Commandment is: Thou shalt NOT say anything bad about Democrats!!

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Monday, December 21, 2009

Libs Have LOWER Standards For Presidents Than Celebrities

REMEMBER this picture? For all of you younger conservatives, this is from January 1998 when Bill Clinton wagged his finger in front of the camera, pounded the podium in defiance, and said that he "did not have sexual relations with THAT woman!!!"

But of course, it was a bald-faced LIE...

And here's the kicker. Liberals rallied to his defense, and his approval rating actually went UP. Can you believe that?!?! It went UP!!!!!!!!!

Contrast that with the treatment Tiger Woods has received for cheating. And the treatment Jon Gosselin received for cheating. And the treatment Carrie Prejean received for holding a conservative view. And the treatment Kanye West received for interrupting a speech...

Keep in mind, NONE of these people ever lied under oath or obstructed justice, yet liberals love Bill Clinton more than all four of them combined!

Moral of the story: Liberals hold golfers, beauty queens, rappers, and reality TV stars to a higher standard than they hold presidents. (How sad is that?!)

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Saturday, December 12, 2009

Liberals Are Sick Of Hearing About Tiger Woods??

I HAVE TO LAUGH whenever I hear liberals say that they are tired of hearing about Tiger Woods and that this whole story doesn't even merit our attention.

Remember now, folks, these are the same people who viciously trashed Sarah Palin..........for her LOOKS!!...and then for her ACCENT!!!...and then for her WARDROBE!!!...and then claimed that her infant son wasn't HERS!!

Give me a break, libs...

Had Tiger Woods been a Republican, these Hypocrats would never tire of mocking him!

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Saturday, December 5, 2009

Religious Freedom To End In New Jersey

WELL, THE GAY BIGOTS are at it again, this time in New Jersey. The radical state Senate will consider a bill to legalize gay marriage (and end religious freedom) next week.

Outgoing LOSER Gov. John Corzine has promised to sign the bill, while sensible Governor-elect Chris Christie said he would veto it.

Folks, the sanctity of marriage is once again under attack from radical Taliban-like liberals. Though we prevailed in Maine and again in NY, New Jersey is a different story. There's a good chance that the intolerant, religiphobic gay bigots will win this time, and it will be a dark, dark day in American history.

Please pray that bigotry doesn't win!!!!!

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