Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Obama More Loyal To Chicago Than The U.S.

SO LET'S SEE, IRAN is giving us the finger, a health care battle is brewing at home, the economy is in the tank, and what does Obama decide to put as his highest priority?

Getting the Olympics for Chicago?!?!

Looks like our POTUS is more loyal to his Chicago homeboys and Mayor Daley than he is to the rest of the nation. What a shame.

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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Liberals: Meg Whitman = Bad, Edwards, Corzine = Good!


Now they're attacking Meg Whitman over her voting record (when she was busy raising a family), while they quite willingly supported John Edwards (when he was busy doing.....well, you get the point).

Lack of a voting history didn't stop liberals from supporting John Edwards, John Corzine, etc, but then again these people are Hypocrats, so they can get away with all sorts of hypocrisy.

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Monday, September 28, 2009

Roman Polanski & Liberal Hypocrisy

LOTS OF LIBERALS support the U.S. going after Roman Polanski, but I must ask, what's the big deal?
  • It's only about sex, right?
  • It's nobody's business, right?
  • It's between him & the girl (who forgave him), so drop the charges, right?
Personally, I think Roman's problem was having sex with a girl. If he was smart, he would have had sex with a young boy instead. That way, every liberal and gay rights supporter in America would be celebrating his actions and defending him until the bitter end.

And before any of you libs gasp and act all offended, I suggest you google "gerry studds" to remind yourselves that you did just that...

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Sunday, September 27, 2009

Obama Sticks With Bush's Policy On Gitmo

After years of criticizing George W. Bush for detaining terrorist suspects indefinitely, guess what Obama has ultimately decided to do?

He is sticking with the very same policy and agreeing with Bush!!

But where are the ACLU and all of the other loony leftist groups who relentlessly criticized the former president?

Oh yeah, that's right.....Obama's a Hypocrat, so none of this matters to them.

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Saturday, September 26, 2009

Isn't This What George W. Bush Had Been Saying?

OBAMA SAID, "Iran is breaking rules that all nations must follow."

Gee, isn't this what George W. Bush had been trying to tell you all along, Mr. President, while you and your liberal friends ridiculed him????

The only thing worse than the President's naivete is the media's love affair with him.

When Bush said, "Iran is breaking rules that all nations must follow," the media attacked him and accused him of exaggerating the threat, yet when Obama says it they cheer him for being a strong leader. Pathetic.

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Friday, September 25, 2009

To Glenn Beck: What The H----?!?!?

I like Glenn Beck, but what the h--- is he thinking on this one?

He told Katie Couric that John McCain would have been a worse president than Barack Obama. He also stated that he may have voted for Hillary Clinton had she been the Hypocratic nominee.


Glenn, were you afraid of getting Palinized by Katie? (That's the only explanation I can come up with after such mind-boggling remarks...)

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Thursday, September 24, 2009

Some Objectivity From The Washington Post?!

I can't believe my eyes! Over the past couple days, there has actually been some journalistic integrity coming from this notoriously liberal rag.

The first instance that caught my eye was the editorial Is President Obama Wobbling on Afghan Counterinsurgency? The second is from today in Massachusetts Voters Not Having Their Say

If the Washington Post keeps it up, people might actually start reading it again.

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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Hypocrats Don't Care About The Law

THE HYPOCRATS DON'T CARE about the laws of the land. Remember when they flouted the law back in 2002 after Robert Torricelli withdrew from the NJ Senate race?

He left after the deadline for ballot changes had passed, but this didn't deter the Hypocrats. They attempted to put Frank Lautenberg on the ballot instead...and succeeded!

Well, now they're at it again. In 2004, they passed a law in Massachusetts so that a Republican governor couldn't appoint a senator to a vacated seat, but since there is now a Hypocratic governor, they've decided that they don't like that law anymore (which THEY had passed) and want to change it!

Hey Massachusetts and New Jersey, why the @#$*%! do you keep voting for these people????

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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

New Game: Nicknames For Liberals & The Media

OK, time for another game. Let's try to come up with some nicknames for liberals and their friends in the liberal media. The only requirement is that the nickname must be unique. I'll go first:
  • Democrats: Hypocrats (for their hypocrisy)
  • Barney Frank: Fwankenstein, Bonnie Fwank
  • New York Times: New Joke Times
  • Washington Post: Washington pOst
  • Countdown: Meltdown with Keith Losermann
I know you guys probably have lots of good ones, so let's hear 'em!

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Monday, September 21, 2009

Conservative Women or Liberal Women? You Decide!

Honestly, folks, take a look at these liberal and conservative women, and give me your honest opinion...

Who would you rather see?

Who would you rather look like?

 Which woman looks more like a beauty queen?


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Sunday, September 20, 2009

Obama: Kanye a "Jackass", Paterson Must Go

SUPPOSE THAT GEORGE W. BUSH had called Kanye West (a black rapper) a "jackass" and requested that David Paterson (a black governor) not run for re-election. Can you imagine the furor that would have erupted? Guys like Al Sharpton would be screaming racism.

Well, a President did in fact say these things, but it wasn't George W. Bush. It was Barack Obama.

Watch him call a black man a "jackass", and consider what would have happened had that word come out of Bush's mouth:

The only jackasses are the ones in the mainstream media.

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Saturday, September 19, 2009

Where Are All Of The John Edwards Stories???

When a little-known governor from South Carolina has an affair, it gets constant media attention. When a former presidential candidate and former vice-presidential nominee has an affair, it's barely a blip on the radar screen. The difference?

The high-profile politician, John Edwards, is a Democrat, while the little-known governor, Mark Sanford, is a Republican. More liberal media hypocrisy.

I mean, the National Enquirer did a better job reporting on the Edwards affair than the MSM. And these guys still have the audacity to say that they're completely objective? Pathetic...

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Friday, September 18, 2009

Barack Obama = The Black Jimmy Carter

It's fitting that Jimmy Carter (the worst president of the 20th century) accused Joe Wilson of being racist for criticizing Barack Obama (the worst president of the 21st century). Both have set their sights on ruining the country.

And since we're on the subject, the Obama cult always likes to say that Obama is The Black JFK, yet they're comparing him to the wrong president.

Obama = The Black Jimmy Carter!!

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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Free Speech For Joe Wilson!

Where is the ACLU now? Whenever a liberal spouts off about anything, the ACLU always turns it into a free speech issue and is there to defend their fellow liberal's 1st Amendment right.

Well, two can play at that game. Rep. Joe Wilson spouted off by saying, "You lie!" but is the ACLU anywhere to be seen????

Answer: They're probably out defending some Nazi (or anyone else they consider less evil than a Republican).

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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Obama Is Racist Against Black People

YES, YOU HEARD ME right. Using the liberal definition of 'racist', one must come to the conclusion that Barack Obama is racist against black people.

Libs keep talking about 'racist' Joe Wilson's criticism of Obama, but now the shoe is on the other foot because Obama called rapper Kanye West a "jackass".

Now can you imagine the ensuing firestorm had George W. Bush said this about a black man???

Once again, liberals show why they're such Hypocrats.

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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

If Bush Was Wrong, Then So Were FDR and JFK

SOME OF THE CRAZIEST liberals are on the internet. On both Digg and Twitter, I had some Hypocrats tell me that since 9/11 happened on George W. Bush's watch, it was his fault for not preventing it.

OK fine, let's use that logic. If George W. Bush is to blame for 9/11 because it happened on his watch, then the legendary Franklin Delano Roosevelt is to blame for Pearl Harbor because it happened on his.

And while we're at it, if Bush is to blame for Iraq and Afghanistan because he was the first to send troops there, then Mr. Camelot himself, John F. Kennedy, is to blame for Vietnam because he was the first to send troops there.

But, of course, liberals are never consistent and will never in a million years agree to anything that's remotely logical. In fact, they will willingly defy logic and reason in order to bash Bush while deifying their own guys.

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Monday, September 14, 2009

If Tea Party Rallies Are Mostly White, What About...? marriage rallies?

I AM SICK AND TIRED of the liberal media (ie; New Joke Times, Washington pOst, MS-DNC) describing tea party protesters as being "overwhelmingly white", while they remain conspicuously silent whenever they talk about gay marriage protesters.

Gee, look at all those black, brown, red, and yellow faces

And look at all of the minorities here

As you can see, the mainstream media once again shows its blatant liberal bias. Whenever there's a right-leaning crowd, the MSM will undoubtedly point to the racial makeup of the group, yet you never hear a peep about the undisputed fact that gay rights supporters are overwhelmingly white themselves.

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Sunday, September 13, 2009

Democrats: Break the Law, Not The Rules!

TWITTER IS FASCINATING. EARLIER I received a few tweets from liberals who want to punish Joe Wilson for saying "You lie". They are outraged that he "broke the rules" of the House, and they demand retribution.

Oh, the irony...

Let's refresh our memories. It wasn't too long ago that we had a President (not just a mere Rep) who did worse than break any rules. He actually broke the law. He lied under oath in a court of law, not to protect his family, but to deceive the court so that he would have a better chance at winning his case against Paula Jones, thus denying her justice.

So what was the Hypocratic response back then? In the House, they voted AGAINST punishing him! And in the Senate, they voted AGAINST removing him from office! To top it off, the Hypocrats even said that there is absolutely nothing wrong with committing perjury, if it's about sex! (Funny, I didn't know that people swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.....unless it's about sex)

Now the Hypocrats have the audacity to demand punishment for Joe Wilson. Apparently, lying under oath isn't as bad as saying "You lie".

Conclusion: Break the law, but don't you dare break the rules!!

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Saturday, September 12, 2009

Thank You, George W. Bush!

Liberals may remember 9/11, but they forget about the man who kept us safe afterwards.

Instead of thanking George W. Bush for preventing another terrorist attack courtesy of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, they viciously bash him for pouring a little water on the terrorist's face. I guess they feel comfortable siding with al-Qaeda members over our Commander-in-Chief.

I believe that history will hold President Bush in higher esteem than today's Hypocrats, and the man deserves our gratitude.


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Friday, September 11, 2009

September 11, 2001


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"You lie!" Is Wrong, But This Is OK.....?

By now, all of the Hypocrats have indignantly stated that it's wrong to heckle a president. But, hmmm.....what about this?

More hypocrisy from the Hypocratic Party. They think this video is just a barrel of laughs. (And for the record, I'll take 1 George W. Bush over 10 Barack Obamas any day...)

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Thursday, September 10, 2009

Dems Applaud Shoe-Throwing, But Decry "You Lie!"

Remember how liberals laughed themselves silly after that Iraqi journalist threw his shoes at George W. Bush? Heck, they even applauded the guy and lamented that nobody could throw their shoes at Cheney and Rumsfeld!

Now compare that to how they sanctimoniously criticize Rep. Joe Wilson (pictured) for keeping his shoes on and yelling out a simple "You lie!" directed at Obama. Granted, it was a very, very rude thing to do, and other Republicans rightly criticized him.

BUT, where were the Hypocrats (Democrats) when Bush was disrespected numerous times???? Like at the inauguration when classless liberals sang "Hey hey hey...goodbye!" to him?

Answer: Who knows, they were too busy laughing...

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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Meltdown with Keith Loserman

I've always wondered, how in the world did this no-talent wannabe journalist get a TV show? And what are his qualifications?

As far as I know, his entire background is in sports, not politics. It's very unusual for a network to give someone a show to discuss topics in which they have zero experience.

Then again, who the heck watches Meltdown with Keith Loserman anyway?

Keep up those ratings, Keith!!

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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Democrats: Terrorists First, Unborn Last

We waterboarded 3 terrorists. We've aborted 40 million babies.
  1. Those who were waterboarded were "tortured" by having water poured on them.
  2. Those who were aborted were not tortured; they were only torn limb from limb.
  1. Those who were waterboarded are guilty of some of the worst terrorist attacks in history.
  2. Those who were aborted are completely innocent. 
  1. Those who were waterboarded are still alive.
  2. Those who were aborted are now dead.
...and guess whose side liberals are on????

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Monday, September 7, 2009

Now Liberals Are Whining About George Lemieux

Now liberals are after Sen. George Lemieux and his law firm.

Don't these people remember that AKPD Message and Media, the firm founded by David Axelrod, is profiting from huge ad deals as a result of the Obama health care push? No, of course not, because they're not Republicans!

By the way, Obama's campaign manager David Plouffe and Axelrod's son Michael still work for AKPD, but apparently this conflict of interest doesn't bother members of the Hypocratic Party.

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Sunday, September 6, 2009

Fwankenstein Unleashed!

Did anyone catch Fwankenstein when he was fwanking off to that Lyndon LaRouche supporter who had a picture of Obama as Hitler? Too bad he didn't defend Bush so vigorously when the same type of Hitler talk was aimed at him.

Then again, this isn't the first time old Fwankenstein has shown his hip-POCK-wissy (hypocrisy)...

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Saturday, September 5, 2009

Liberal Media Silent On Van Jones

Remember what the media did to George Allen after he said "macaca"? (Well, it's something that they're NOT doing to Obama's Green Jobs Czar, Van Jones)

Remember what the media did to Jim DeMint after his "Waterloo" comment? (Well, it's something that they're NOT doing to Obama's Green Jobs Czar, Van Jones)

Remember what the media did to Peter King after what he said about Michael Jackson? (Well, it's something that they're NOT doing to Obama's Green Jobs Czar, Van Jones)

Remember what the media did to Trent Lott after his statement at Strom Thurmond's 100th birthday party? (Well, it's something that they're NOT doing to Obama's Green Jobs Czar, Van Jones)

Lesson learned: Thou shalt only speak ill of Republicans.

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Friday, September 4, 2009

Sarah Palin Is Stupid.....BUT WAIT!!

Time for another "But wait!" moment...

Sarah Palin is incredibly stupid, right? Let's take a trip down memory lane to recall examples of her idiocy. Remember the time when:
  • she said that our country has "57 states"
  • she thanked herself during a speech
  • she claimed that the U.S. is the "largest Muslim nation"
  • she said that BILL Gates was the Secretary of Defense
She is such an airhead...

BUT WAIT!!!!!!

It was Barack Obama who said this!

Yet how many times did you hear about it from the mainstream media?

If Palin had in fact said any of these things, it would have been front page news. I mean, look at how much attention the media is foisting on Levi Johnston. Apparently, they'd rather seek multiple interviews from a punk kid than just one interview with Obama's "God d--- America" pastor of 20 years.

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Thursday, September 3, 2009

Obama Wants More Support On Afghanistan?

Golly gee, what comes around goes around, right, Mr. President?

During last year's campaign, you constantly criticized President Bush when he asked Americans to be patient on Iraq, and now you're saying the same exact thing regarding Afghanistan. My, the tables have turned...

But don't worry, even though liberals were willing to lose a war for their own political gain, we conservatives will not respond in kind because we love our country too much.

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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Carrie Prejean Sues Religiphobic Bigots (You Go, Girl!)

Beautiful, intelligent, classy Carrie Prejean has decided to sue the religiphobic pageant officials who slandered her. As Marv Albert would say....."Yessssssss!"

Now, will the same libs who lauded Liskula Cohen (for going after a woman who called her a 'skank') support the former Miss CA (who was called infinitely worse)?

Answer: Of course not, because they only support liberal women.

For example, Angelina Jolie = GOOD, Carrie Prejean = BAD! Rosie O'Donnell = GOOD, Elisabeth Hasselbeck = BAD! Nancy Pelosi = GOOD, Sarah Palin = BAD!

You get the picture...

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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Bob McDonnell's Past Matters, But Obama's Doesn't?!?

Democrats in Virginia are foaming at the mouth over Republican nominee Bob McDonnell's masters thesis from _TWENTY_ years ago. Then again, it doesn't matter how long ago it occurred, right, libs?

But wait!!

Twenty years ago was an important time in our country because that's when Barack Obama first heard the sermons of Jeremiah "God D--- America" Wright. He then became a devoted follower, listening intently and refusing to speak out against 20 years of hate speech.

So according to libs, Bob McDonnell's past matters, but Barack Obama's doesn't?!?

The Hypocratic Party never ceases to amaze me...

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