Friday, August 21, 2009

Birth Certificate "Nonsense" & Obama

Was Barack Obama born in the U.S.? Most likely, yes. In fact, I'd bet money on it.

But what's so amazing is the conduct of today's journalists, which reeks of liberalism. Guys like Chris Matthews become unhinged and turn a simple request (for the BC) into a supposedly racist attack on Obama.

Hey Chris, when you applied for your driver's license, did you show the DMV a copy of an announcement in your local paper, or did the DMV require the original BC? Thank you very much, Chris. (I just felt a thrill go up my leg)

And whenever someone brings up the (valid) point that it's theoretically possible that Obama's parents had notified the newspaper without any malicious intent about his supposed birth overseas, that's when hack journalists like David Shuster willingly mischaracterize this argument and falsely claim that critics are accusing Obama's parents of conspiring to help their son run for the presidency 47 years later. Please, Shuster.

There's only one person who can make this issue go away forever, but he'd rather stonewall...

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