Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Obama's Approval Rating WORSE Than Bush's

Hey libs, you know how you all keep yapping about Obama's broad support and sky-high approval ratings? Well I don't want to hear it anymore because his 7-month approval rating is five points WORSE than George W. Bush's rating at the same point in his presidency.

Check out RealClearPolitics and compare the Bush-Obama numbers. Obama is turning out to be the most polarizing president in U.S. history. More than Bush. More than Clinton.

Keep the 'change' next time, Barry.

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  1. That's because he inherited the country's current problems. Only a moron would expect these things to improve overnight. The fact that his approval rating is so low is evident of nothing other than Americans being fickle impatient morons.

  2. Hey big bad 'Anonymous',

    Apparently you're getting your news from the DNC because things haven't only NOT improved—they've actually gotten WORSE since Obama's been in charge!

    But that's Bush's fault, right? (Even though Obama has been president for a year now)

    BTW, Einstein, your man's approval rating is lower than ANY president in the past 70 years (at similar points in their first terms). Americans, unlike you, aren't going to wait until the country is bankrupt before they start disapproving of Obama's job performance.

    Who's the "moron" now? (haha)

  3. You are still the moron.

    Bush didn't do a damn thing by this time in his presidency and didn't risk any of his popularity in doing so. The accurate assessment is to look at a longer term, but no point asking you to consider logic. You are a republican. You have the ability to self illusion your way around any statistic.

  4. Hey everyone, don't you think it's funny how these big bad liberals don't even have the guts to leave their names? Even a nickname??? That's liberalism—the state of being gutless.

    "You are still the moron."

    Another liberal tactic. When they have nothing intelligent to say, they always resort to childish insults and petty personal attacks. (Then again, can anyone blame them since common sense is their enemy?)

    "Bush didn't do a damn thing by this time in his presidency..."

    Umm...9/11?? He kept the country safe for 7 years, and this is the thanks he gets?! Ingrate. Obama couldn't even keep us safe for one year in a post-9/11 world.

    "The accurate assessment is to look at a longer term..."

    So 7 years of safety after 9/11 isn't good enough for you, yet ONE year of failed leadership under Obama is?????? Please tell me you're joking. (I fear he's not, folks)

    "...but no point asking you to consider logic. You are a republican."

    See the petty personal attacks, folks?

    "You have the ability to self illusion your way around any statistic."

    Did you notice that he provided NO statistics of his own? I guess he's still stuck on the "7 years of safety" statistic.
