Saturday, December 12, 2009

Liberals Are Sick Of Hearing About Tiger Woods??

I HAVE TO LAUGH whenever I hear liberals say that they are tired of hearing about Tiger Woods and that this whole story doesn't even merit our attention.

Remember now, folks, these are the same people who viciously trashed Sarah Palin..........for her LOOKS!!...and then for her ACCENT!!!...and then for her WARDROBE!!!...and then claimed that her infant son wasn't HERS!!

Give me a break, libs...

Had Tiger Woods been a Republican, these Hypocrats would never tire of mocking him!

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  1. Hell, I'm a Republican and I'm getting sick of hearing about Tiger Woods. Please... make it stop...

  2. Yeah, but at least conservatives are consistent. We're tired of Tiger Woods jokes AND Sarah Palin jokes...

  3. LOL. So typical liberals. They also said that the John Edwards affair was "boring" I was like what? A former democrat presidential nominee cheats on his wife in cancer remission and then might have fatherd a love child? How is that "boring" They only like scandal when it has to do with Republicans. Hell, they even make stuff up about republican (John mcCain father a black child, wth?) but will ignore or downplay stories about liberal scandals.

  4. Been having a rough couple of weeks, and I don't want to deal with any drama, I can't handle it.
