Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Media LOVED Specter's Party Switch, But Not Griffith's

IT HAS BEEN over a week now, and the Parker Griffith story is already old news with the media. (Gee, might it have anything to do with the fact that he became a Republican????)

Remember, this is the same media who could barely contain its glee when Arlen Specter became a Democrat! For days, we heard that the Republican party has been "hijacked" by far right conservatives who want to "force" moderates out of the party...

Fast forward to Parker Griffith.

Now has ANYONE in the media said (or even implied) that Griffith was "forced" out by far left liberals who "hijacked" the Democratic party?!?! Of course not, because the MSM's Eleventh Commandment is: Thou shalt NOT say anything bad about Democrats!!

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