Monday, November 30, 2009

Gay Bigot Adam Lambert Guilty Of Sexual Harassment!

SO ADAM LAMBERT (and other gay bigots) want to be treated like everyone else? I agree, so someone should sue him for sexual harassment!

Can you imagine the uproar if a straight male singer had FORCED a kiss on an unsuspecting female?!?! Liberals would be calling for his head!!

And don't give me this garbage about how the keyboard player "didn't mind". If Rush Limbaugh ever FORCED a kiss on a woman who subsequently said that she "didn't mind", I doubt that would appease any of you intolerant, religiphobic liberals.

So is there a double standard in how gay people and straight people are treated? Absolutely.....and gays are the ones who benefit!!!

Let's face it, there is ZERO discrimination against gays in 2009. Zip!...Zero!...Nada!

I say, let's treat Adam Lambert the same way we'd treat a regular guy by SUING HIM NOW!!

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  1. This performance was disturbing to say the less. I mean thrusting someone's face in his crotch? creepy. If this was unrehearsed, call for sexual harassment. Just because you are a celeb doesn't mean you can go around kissing people. What if the guy wasn't gay? Its not like he could fight off Adam lambert, then he'd be called a bigot! He has no choice but to say he didn't mind, he could loose his job and be called a homophobe. This was so icky, and you know kids where watching this. Was this suppose to be a musical performance or a gay porno? I honestly didn't know.

  2. You took the words right out of my mouth. 'Disturbing' is a perfect description! I swear, these gay bigots keep talking about all the discrimination they face, but I sure as heck don't see any. The only discrimination I see is against conservatives!
