Sunday, November 8, 2009

So Is Fort Hood OBAMA'S Fault, Libs????

REMEMBER HOW liberals blamed Bush for not doing more to prevent 9/11?

Well, libs, the shoe is now on the other foot. How come OBAMA didn't do more to prevent the Fort Hood massacre?!?!?

It's still Bush's fault, right? (Oops, he wasn't in office last Thursday!)
It's the Republican Party's fault, right? (Oops, they don't control Congress!)
It's Christian conservatives' fault, right? (Oops, the killer wasn't Christian!)

BUT WAIT!!! Have no fear because liberals are now trying to blame "secondary trauma" for the killings. So in other words, the nutcase's shooting spree was triggered by his patients' accounts of war, which all leads back to.....guess who???


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  1. I hope that this event does not trigger the idea that more gun control is needed.

    Perhaps the current administration is in fact creating more stress on the military and its people.

  2. I totally agree. If anything, a citizen with a gun might have been able to kill this guy sooner and SAVE lives.

  3. Chris Matthews of that deranged, left-wing MSNBC, is trying to paint this terrorist as a victim. He has asked, "Is it a crime to call al Qaeda?" And Geraldo Rivera wants to blame those who reportedly called this guy a "camel jockey." Boo hoo... women, blacks, gays, Latinos, Jews, Christians, Catholics, the Irish, fat people, ugly people... we all have had our share of name calling. But I don't recall that being an excuse for being an anti-American who commits mass murder.

  4. I did NOT know that Chris "Mr. Thrill-Up-My-Leg" Matthews said that. Simply disgusting. He and Geraldo will blame everything under the sun BUT terrorism.

    BTW, can you imagine what those two libtards would be saying if this happened on BUSH'S watch?!?!?

  5. Hi! I just found your blog!

    Liberals jump thru hoops to connect a tragedy to someone they don't like, but this time it will not work! Hasan counseled Soldiers before they went to war! So not even their ridiculous notion that PTSD can be caught "second hand" will work this time! This was radical islam and only a fool would deny it!

  6. Yeah, and I'm wondering why these libtards aren't calling Fort Hood a 'hate crime'. I guess it's only 'hate' if a gay person is the victim...
