Saturday, November 14, 2009

Gen. Casey: Allow Terrorists in the Name of Diversity!

I GREATLY RESPECT General George Casey for his military service, but he's simply off his rocker on this one.

Regarding Fort Hood, he said, " horrific as this tragedy was, if our diversity becomes a casualty, I think that's worse."

Say what?!?!?

Gen. Casey has a pretty unusual definition of 'diversity'. Apparently, he believes that the Army isn't diverse unless there is a fair representation of Muslim extremists within its ranks. This type of thinking puts the lives of innocent Americans (including our brave soldiers) at risk.


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  1. He should be fired immediately. Tell "it would be a greater tragedy if diversity is a casualty" to all the families of the Fort Hood Victims. I always thought the military was the one place the PC plague had not spread its disease too, this proves me wrong.

  2. I agree. It seems like everything is falling apart with "The One" as President.
