Thursday, November 5, 2009

Sarah Palin Gets Attacked By The Liberal Media AGAIN...

Well, the 'objective' mainstream media is bashing Sarah Palin yet AGAIN. I swear, these people are obsessed with trying to bring this woman down.

Now they're attacking her because the House candidate in New York whom she endorsed, Doug Hoffman, didn't win. Puh-leez!

With all the criticism that the liberal media foists on Gov. Palin, I am now starting to believe those conservatives who claim that such asinine behavior is actually a sign of her electoral strength.

After all, do conservatives constantly bash liberal nutcases like Chuck Schumer or Steny Hoyer??? Of course not, because they're not afraid of them!

GO, SARAH, GO!!!!!!!!

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  1. Its all very sad.

    It seems to be in fashion to be misogynistic but dont you dare poke fun at a black man, you are instantly labeled racist. Its outrageous.

    The liberal left as progressive thinking as they claim to be seems to be obsessed with trying to destroy this woman. For what reason I dont know why.

    What I find equally disgusting is the uninformed and unexperienced opinions many people make towards Palin. Palin Bashing is just bullshit.

  2. I agree, we've seen it time and again from the 'tolerant' liberal establishment. Former Miss CA Carrie Prejean had to go through the same thing.

    I admire both women SO much for handling themselves with such grace and class in the face of liberal hostility.

    I would LOVE to see a President Palin get elected in 2012.
