Thursday, November 12, 2009

Liberals HATE Strong Women Like Carrie Prejean

A PAMELA ANDERSON sex tape? No biggie! A Paris Hilton sex tape? No problem!

You want to know why? Because those women are LIBERAL!!! (And liberals, of course, can do anything they want without being criticized)

Too bad Carrie Prejean doesn't get the same benefit of the doubt...

But that's OK because Carrie is simply amazing. Check that, amazing AND beautiful (both inside and on the surface)!! She has put up with more nonsense from the intolerant, racist, religiphobic gay BIGOTS than anyone else in America (with the possible exception of Sarah Palin).

Keep spreading the hate, gay BIGOTS. The great state of Maine rejected your bigotry towards religious people, and your continued intolerance will guarantee that our side will keep on winning!

NORMAL PEOPLE - 31 states
GAY BIGOTS - 0 states

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  1. This blog is so dumb. People did not care that Pamela Anderson had a sextape because she was in PLAYBOY - not because she was liberal! Paris hilton is a dumb bimbo that is famous for doing nothing. Why do you have to tie everything to someones political affiliation. Carry Prejean is a dumb embarrassment to california. She is supposed to represent the state, and a boob job and sextape and porn pictures is not a good representation of the state.

  2. Typical liberal who has to post as 'Anonymous'. Figures.

    "Why do you have to tie everything to someones political affiliation"

    Actually, your side is the one who does that. Your side constantly bashes women like Carrie, Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, etc. And guess what? None share YOUR political affiliation. (So who's preoccupied with politics now?)

    "She is supposed to represent the state"

    Umm...excuse me, lib, but California OPPOSED gay marriage by passing Prop 8. Do your homework next time before you make yourself look foolish again, Einstein. Carrie DOES represent the state. (And those who agree with YOU do not!)

  3. To the anon person.

    Carrie P. Does in fact represent California.

    Prop 8 in California only validated man-woman unions.

    The blonde with a boob job, that did a sex tape.
    Well, that ALL still sounds very califonian to me.

    I like this blog, it clearly keeps people on their toes, and works against the liberal brainwashing that infects so much media today.

    Thanks GOP! :) Keep on keeping on!

  4. Its always a double standard for Conservative women! I have seen some of the most sexist slurs used against Palin, Bachman and Carrie Prejean! Stuff like detailed rape fetishes, murder fantasies, called every name in the book and it was sooo gross! Feminists never speak up for them because Feminism is only out to promote liberalism and they do it under the pretext that they are for women but they are not they are only to promote abortion on demand among other liberal ideals. As for the Anonymous liberal, how come no one says anything about boob jobs until a Conservative gets one? Ever liberal in hollywood has a dozen plastic surgery operations but they are idols to ever liberal or teenager in the country. And the sextape was not even sex!!! It was only her in the video, a stupid mistake she made at 17, she said. and porn pictures? wth? Our culture is a sex obsessed, porn crazed culture and no one says anything till a young Conservative girl makes a mistake. You should be ashamed!!! Great Blog Gop Thinker!

  5. Hannityinaskirt & Anonymous,

    Thank you both! I appreciate the compliments.

    I'm just sick and tired of liberals and their double standards. They probably have a collection of various sex tapes in their homes, yet it's only a probably with them when the person concerned is a CONSERVATIVE.

    Winter is coming, so make sure you stay warm in those glass houses, libs!

  6. But GOP Thinker, if not for the double standards liberals wouldn't have any standards! ;)

  7. Woof! Carrie Prejean is MY type of conservative gal! Maybe I will have to start a Blog About Her Next!

  8. I agree, she (along with Sarah Palin) is one of the most beautiful women in the country. I really admire her steadfast resolve in the face of bigotry from intolerant, religiphobic gays.
