Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Hypocrats Don't Care About The Law

THE HYPOCRATS DON'T CARE about the laws of the land. Remember when they flouted the law back in 2002 after Robert Torricelli withdrew from the NJ Senate race?

He left after the deadline for ballot changes had passed, but this didn't deter the Hypocrats. They attempted to put Frank Lautenberg on the ballot instead...and succeeded!

Well, now they're at it again. In 2004, they passed a law in Massachusetts so that a Republican governor couldn't appoint a senator to a vacated seat, but since there is now a Hypocratic governor, they've decided that they don't like that law anymore (which THEY had passed) and want to change it!

Hey Massachusetts and New Jersey, why the @#$*%! do you keep voting for these people????

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