Sunday, September 13, 2009

Democrats: Break the Law, Not The Rules!

TWITTER IS FASCINATING. EARLIER I received a few tweets from liberals who want to punish Joe Wilson for saying "You lie". They are outraged that he "broke the rules" of the House, and they demand retribution.

Oh, the irony...

Let's refresh our memories. It wasn't too long ago that we had a President (not just a mere Rep) who did worse than break any rules. He actually broke the law. He lied under oath in a court of law, not to protect his family, but to deceive the court so that he would have a better chance at winning his case against Paula Jones, thus denying her justice.

So what was the Hypocratic response back then? In the House, they voted AGAINST punishing him! And in the Senate, they voted AGAINST removing him from office! To top it off, the Hypocrats even said that there is absolutely nothing wrong with committing perjury, if it's about sex! (Funny, I didn't know that people swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.....unless it's about sex)

Now the Hypocrats have the audacity to demand punishment for Joe Wilson. Apparently, lying under oath isn't as bad as saying "You lie".

Conclusion: Break the law, but don't you dare break the rules!!

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  1. As I said on twitter, remember that, whether or not anyone agrees with the outcome, Clinton was actually impeached for his actions. Wilson should be censured. Hung up by his thumbs? No. Censured? Yes. Not censuring would set a terrible precedent that could come back to bite even the Republicans in the ass later. I don't nwcessarily think Wilson is a bad guy. But he behaved intolerably. He is Col. in the military reserves. How would he have dealt with a Sgt. who yelled that he lies?

  2. Roni,

    Clinton was impeached WITHOUT Hypocratic support. In other words, the Hypocrats who support punishing Joe Wilson were AGAINST impeachment.

    I find it incredibly ironic that people who knowingly and willingly supported a perjurer are now sanctimoniously arguing that Wilson should be censured. Lying under oath is far more serious than saying "You lie".
