Tuesday, September 15, 2009

If Bush Was Wrong, Then So Were FDR and JFK

SOME OF THE CRAZIEST liberals are on the internet. On both Digg and Twitter, I had some Hypocrats tell me that since 9/11 happened on George W. Bush's watch, it was his fault for not preventing it.

OK fine, let's use that logic. If George W. Bush is to blame for 9/11 because it happened on his watch, then the legendary Franklin Delano Roosevelt is to blame for Pearl Harbor because it happened on his.

And while we're at it, if Bush is to blame for Iraq and Afghanistan because he was the first to send troops there, then Mr. Camelot himself, John F. Kennedy, is to blame for Vietnam because he was the first to send troops there.

But, of course, liberals are never consistent and will never in a million years agree to anything that's remotely logical. In fact, they will willingly defy logic and reason in order to bash Bush while deifying their own guys.

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