Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Carrie Prejean Sues Religiphobic Bigots (You Go, Girl!)

Beautiful, intelligent, classy Carrie Prejean has decided to sue the religiphobic pageant officials who slandered her. As Marv Albert would say....."Yessssssss!"

Now, will the same libs who lauded Liskula Cohen (for going after a woman who called her a 'skank') support the former Miss CA (who was called infinitely worse)?

Answer: Of course not, because they only support liberal women.

For example, Angelina Jolie = GOOD, Carrie Prejean = BAD! Rosie O'Donnell = GOOD, Elisabeth Hasselbeck = BAD! Nancy Pelosi = GOOD, Sarah Palin = BAD!

You get the picture...

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