Friday, September 4, 2009

Sarah Palin Is Stupid.....BUT WAIT!!

Time for another "But wait!" moment...

Sarah Palin is incredibly stupid, right? Let's take a trip down memory lane to recall examples of her idiocy. Remember the time when:
  • she said that our country has "57 states"
  • she thanked herself during a speech
  • she claimed that the U.S. is the "largest Muslim nation"
  • she said that BILL Gates was the Secretary of Defense
She is such an airhead...

BUT WAIT!!!!!!

It was Barack Obama who said this!

Yet how many times did you hear about it from the mainstream media?

If Palin had in fact said any of these things, it would have been front page news. I mean, look at how much attention the media is foisting on Levi Johnston. Apparently, they'd rather seek multiple interviews from a punk kid than just one interview with Obama's "God d--- America" pastor of 20 years.

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  1. Too True...
    And our media won't print a story about Van Jones and his nuttiness either.

  2. Steve,

    Van Jones is a perfect example. The media would rather use pom poms rather than pens when covering Obama.

    Thanks for your comment, and take care.
