Friday, September 11, 2009

"You lie!" Is Wrong, But This Is OK.....?

By now, all of the Hypocrats have indignantly stated that it's wrong to heckle a president. But, hmmm.....what about this?

More hypocrisy from the Hypocratic Party. They think this video is just a barrel of laughs. (And for the record, I'll take 1 George W. Bush over 10 Barack Obamas any day...)

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  1. ummmmm... I distinctly hear Chris Matthews calling that "bad form". I agreed with him at the time, and I think now that Joe Wilson was out of line.

    see also

  2. That's true, to Chris Matthews' credit, he did criticize those disrespectful Obama supporters. Too bad nobody else joined him.

    (And you're right, Joe Wilson was out of line. I'd just like to hear liberals be a little more consistent when it comes to rude behavior.)
